Cobalt Phosphide (also known as Co2P) is gray powder. It has a melting point of 1386. It's soluble in nitric and aqua regia but insoluble when diluted with water.
Purity: 99.99%
Particle size: 60 mesh
Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Powder
Cobalt Phosphide, a gray spiculate. Its relative densit (15) is 6.14. It's melting point at 1386 degrees Celsius. It is insoluble in nitric acids, aqua regia and cobalt. The intercalation compound cobalt-phosphide is (CO2P), which forms when a source of phosphorus enters the transitional metal cobalt. The use of cobalt-phosphide is possible in the following areas: magnetism; lithium battery anode materials; hydrogenation catalysis, photocatalytic decay, and others. Cobalt Phosphide is an excellent semiconductor material that has low bandgaps, good thermal stability and strong electrical conductivity. These characteristics are essential for the production of efficient water decomposition catalysts, which are a form of stable, efficient and inexpensive transition metal catalyst. Tatayoung has been a reliable global partner.
Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Powder
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Cobalt Phosphide
Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Pulp Powder Product Performance:
Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Pulp has high purity, small size distribution, high temperature strength, high fracture resistance, chemical resistance and low density.
It is insoluble in nitric and aqua regia. However, it is insoluble in water. This is done by heating cobalt phosphide and red-phosphorus in vacuum tubes to between 650–700°C.
Technical Parameters of Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Pulp:
Product Name
Particle Size
Melting Point
Volume Density
( g/cm3 )
The color of the sky
Cobalt Phosphide
-60 mesh
It is simple.
Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Powder
The phosphorus source can be used to make cobalt phosphide. There are four methods. First, trityl phosphorus, also called TOP, is used to produce phosphates. These phosphates can be made in organic mixes by the thermal decomposition (or oil bath) method. It is possible to produce cobaltphosphate nanowires by using tri octylphosphorus as the source of phosphorus in the Ullmann process. A second reason is that hydrogen reduction is easier for metal phosphates. The phosphorus bond energy and the oxygen bond energy are stronger. If you wish to destroy the keys, then phosphorus metal and oxygen metal must be used. This is because the formation metal particles can easily occur. At high temperatures, the process of creating metal particles will increase the adsorption rate of hydrogen. Metal overflow phosphate has also led to the reduction in phosphate to the form of phosphide. The high temperature of the sintering process results in large grains being formed when phosphates are synthesized by phosphate. A third option is to use a simple and mild hypophosphite method, which involves heating the sodium hypophosphite at high temperatures (300-4000) and in situ generation of toxic HP3. This will decrease the metal source. Fourth, element phosphorus was used to make the metal-phosphide under hydrothermal conditions (170-220). As phosphorus source, the element phosphorus contained white, yellow, and red phosphorus. These may lead to the cobalt phosphide becoming agglomerated and unable to regulate the particle size.
Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Powder
The cobalt-phosphide is used in magnetic, battery anode, photocatalytic and hydrogenation. Cobalt Phosphide is an excellent semiconductor material that has high chemical stability and low bandgap. The high performance makes it suitable for the preparation of efficient water-decomposition catalysts. It's a type of stable, efficient and affordable transition metal-phosphating agent.
Shipping Cobalt Phosphide Co2P Pulver:
There are many options for packing, which all depend on the amount of cobaltphosphide CO2P powder.
Packing of cobalt phosphide CO2P powder:
You can vacuum pack 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel or according to your requirements.
Shipment of cobalt phosphide powder Co2P
It could be shipped by sea or air as soon as payment receipt is received.